Friday, July 15, 2016

I can't believe we haven't posted since May.  So much has happened in the last month and a half.  We are finished with our mission and headed home in just 5 days.  Hard to believe 18 months have passed.  We are so glad for the experience and wonderful opportunity to be in New York and especially at Ft. Drum.  We have made so many new friends.  So I am just going to post a bunch of pictures in no particular order.  I will try to post another time before we unplug.  See you all soon.
Last District Meeting.  So many good memories of missionaries that we have been with.

Two especially good friends Allen and Brett. They have been great to us since day one.

Recent convert.  Great young lady Amie.  She is a MD in the military.  We need to find her a good LDS man.  Her parents are not supportive of her joining the church.

One of 3 farewell cakes we were given.  This one from Sis Evers (a professional cake maker); one from the Presbyterian Church thanking us for our friendship and ministry: and one from our Addiction Recovery Group.  All three have had impacted on our lives.

We were given permission to travel to Georgia to see Chandi and family before we left and Mt Airy was on the way there.  This is where Diane/Grandma was born so we stopped and walked around for a while.  A very cute tourist town.

Nuclear plant in GA where Dan Broadbent works.

Elder and Sister Larsen from the Mission Office.  They came up to visit one Saturday and we took them around to various site.  A fun day to be with them.

Our final picture at the mission home on the day of our exit interview with Pres and Sister Rogers.

Pres and Sister Rogers on that same day.  They are from St George

Brigham Young's fathers home in Mendon, NY.  He helped build it for his father

Went to visit Elder and Sister Merrill they live in Brigham's fathers home.  They are the office couple for the Rochester Mission.  They are going home the same time we are and they are pulling a trailer so they allowed us to take them some of our stuff.  They live in Rigby.  This picture is outside the Young family barn.

Water system for collecting rain water to water ducks and geese.  Really a great setup.

Same location but caught this goat riding on the back of a sheep.

This is the home (Yurt) of the folks that live completely off the grid.  Same place as previous two pictures.

Baptismal site in Mendon, NY.  Heber Kimball was also baptised here.

Young family barn.

Sesquehanna River site of Joseph and Oliver's Baptism

At a swamp near Chandi's home.


Alligator at the swamp

Priesthood Restoration Site in PA

Replica of Joseph and Emma Home at Harmony

Wagon rides at Mt Airy

Mt Airy was home of Andy Griffith and was pattern for Mayberry on the Andy Griffith show.

Monday, May 30, 2016

May 27-30, 2016

It has been a very nice last few days.  We have spent the 27, 28 ,29 at Palmyra with a Northeast Area YSA conference called "Gathering in the Grove."  We had 6 from our area attend.  We spent a lot of our time preparing and serving meals to over 250 Young Single Adults.  The Keynote speaker was the original rugby coach that was portrayed in the DVD "Standing Strong".  He was also a Mission President and a very good speaker. 
Everyone seemed to have had a lot of fun and were given Testimony building opportunities.  We would start at 6:00 am and get back to the Motel at 11:30 pm.  It was busy, lots of work and just awesomely wonderful.  This was our second time helping at the "Gathering".

Today 30 May we took one sister, who has been here awaiting her visa to Australia, to the airport for her 37 hour flight.  We also picked up a sister missionary from Brazil who is serving a Temple Square Mission and she will be here for two transfers.

Elder Brown taught over 160 visitors in 6 hours while we were at Alvin Smith's grave site in Palmyra.   Sister Brown helped and stamped their papers.  It was a great activity.  We had 50 or more come to see the grave site that were not participants.
 The Grave Site is really a sacred place and it was humbling to know that the Smith family had been where we were when they buried and mourned the death of their oldest son.  How grateful they were when Joseph received the revelation in section 137 of the D & C that Alvin was saved and that they would see him again.
  This Gospel is wonderful and answers so many questions that so many only wonder about.
One of the groups that came through was our institute class from Fort Drum.  Two were the Anderson sisters, Victor a soldier and  recent convert, Jared a soldier and a member, Amy a doctor on  Ft. Drum a recent convert and one young non member soldier.

Speed dating opportunity at "The Gathering"  They seemed to really enjoy this activity.

Several of our Stake participants. Some of our soldiers had to leave early. that Sunday Morning.

A small ice cream cone.  The medium cones had a foot of ice cream above the cone.  We did not get to see what a large ice cream cone looked like.  

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16, 2016 Update

 Here we are at the North Riva Ridge Chapel on Fort Drum.  It is Thursday night Institute.
Teaching--So much fun.  He does such a great job.  You can really feel the Spirit of the Holy Ghost attend our classes.

We took a trip to Palmyra with some of our Institute class.  Most of them are soldiers and had never been to the Sacred Grove, the Printing Press, Hill Cumorah, Alvin's grave and the Temple.  Picture taken from Smith Farm looking towards the Temple.

Mom/Grandma made this landscape from a picture we took.  You can see the Temple from the Joseph Smith Farm.

In the Sacred Grove From left to right
Jordan, Diana, Victor, Abby, Jared (Chris was a way off).  It has been such a thrill to see Testimonies really grow and become stronger.  This Church is truly awesome and it changes lives!

Flowers from Bishop Buettenmuller's garden.  Given to Mom after we spoke in Sacrament Meeting May 15, 2016.  He always has beautiful flowers in his flower gardens.

We spoke with Elder and Sister Jenkins from Payson, AZ.  They will be taking our place in July.  They sound like a great couple and they are very excited to be coming to Ft Drum Etc.  They sound like really sweet people. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A New Day

This is an abandoned house outside of Copenhagen we pass when we go to Utica.  I have taken many pictures of it as we drive by.  I love this old home and just wish it could talk to me and tell me about its life.  Kind of silly but I feel attached to it. 
Here is another picture of the home.

Friends took us to Black Pond.  That is where we are in this picture.  We had a lot of fun with them.  We would love to see him baptised while we are here.  

from Black Pond we walked further and came to Lake Ontario.  It is so beautiful.  Here we found drift wood sticks for my wall hangings.  We had so much fun and it was so relaxing.  You can walk out into the lake about 100 yards and it is only knee deep.

I love this old barn and especially the tractor.  We pass it on our way to Church in Carthage.  I have taken lots of pictures of barns.

Friends inside one of the beautiful churches with the stain glass

A Watertown Church noted for its stain glass.  Beautiful Church!!!

Another Church with Stain Glass Windows.
Life is good.  Yesterday we picked up a new Sister Missionary at the Syracuse Airport.  She is from Salem, ID.  She went to Sugar City HS.  We knew her grandparents when we lived in St Anthony 30 years ago.  Sister Ta Li Rose.  She is awaiting a visa to Australia and we are short one sister so she is here until her visa comes through.  Great young lady.  Today we get to inspect missionary apartments and install new fire and carbon monoxide detectors.  Tonight we have our Addiction Recovery Meeting.  
Hope you all have a great day.  It is beautiful and sunny here today as we start the 16th month of our mission.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April 6, 2016

I haven't posted for some time and so I was preparing a Institute lesson and thought it was time for an update.  We continue to have a simple and beautiful experience.  The other day we were on Ft Drum and had the impression to stop by and see a sister who's husband is deployed.  We knocked on the door and the dog barked long and hard but there was no answer.  After a couple of minutes we went back to the car but instead of leaving we felt we needed to give it another try.  This time as we approached the door we could here very loud and obvious crying.  We thought maybe she was in trouble it was so loud.  We knocked again and this time she answered.  She is expecting their first child and she was so lonely and so distressed.  We stayed and talked for quite a while and made additional arrangements to help.  She has now gone home to her mothers while her husband is gone and waiting for the baby to be born.  
It wasn't a monumental deal but it is so sweet to know that the Lord can and does use us for small and simple things. The church is true and our Father loves us so much of that we testify.
Love to all.

186 years ago today the church was organized.  It is so marvelous to be in this area and to teach Church History for our Institute class.  We are so blessed.

Another quick experience.  Each week we go to a Tai Chi class at the Presbyterian Church.  Last week one of the ladies who has become a good friend of Mom/Grandma/Diane told her that her nephew was dating a Mormon but since meeting us she is no longer worried about it.  Small little favors from on High..... 

Friday, February 5, 2016

One year ago today

Feb 5, 2016 - We arrived in Watertown one year ago today.
Feb 5,  2015 Gas Station on Arsenal Street

Feb 5, 2016 Same Gas station on Arsenal Street

Last year there was at least 5' of snow on the level, this year we have green grass and a little bit of snow under some trees.  Unusually warm and dry.  We are supposed to get 1-2" tonight.

We continue to love being here.  We have met so many great new friends.  Grandma especially continues to bless the lives of so many, she is a remarkable woman.  She just got a young lady who hasn't been to church for two years or more to agree to help her teach a craft at Relief Society in two weeks.  She has made friends with so many non-members.  She visits with people everywhere we go, at the store or library it is all the same to her.  She is awesome.

Well we love you all.  The Gospel is still true.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Jan 2016 A New Year

Can't believe we have started a new year.  2015 flew by. We have been a little sick since the 3rd of Jan so we haven't been out doing to much for the last week.
We are almost at our 1 yr mark of entering the MTC.  It seems like we are just getting started.  We have enjoyed being here together and we still agree about 99% of the time (it would be 100% but if i agreed on that 1% there would be 2 of us wrong I can't let that happen!!!!-mom-). We have been married 44 years and counting, hard to believe. Time goes so fast.

Here are a few pictures from December 2015.

This is the called the Paddock Arcade, it is located here in Watertown. It is historic because it is the first mall that America ever had.  It was made so people could shop at different places and stay out of the NY cold, wind and snow.  It was "The Place" to be seen.They say that carriages would drive up and the ladies all decked out in their full long dresses with fancy hats and men all dapper with their top hats, canes and gloves would get out and stroll the mall.

Here is the Broadbent family looking down over the railing in the mall.  We were so glad the Broadbent Family came to have Christmas with us.  We played games, put together puzzles, ate, laughed and enjoyed being together.
Here is another picture of the Arcade (Mall) Decorated for Christmas.

These next few pictures are of buoys that are dry docked out of the St Lawrence River until spring.  We were shocked to see how large they are.

They are huge!!!

Christmas Eve day we had a Christmas party for some families who dad are serving in Afghanistan.  We had pizza, games, fun and lots of prizes.  Chandi, Dan and family helped a lot they brought gifts and prizes.  Here is a look at some of the bingo prizes.  Sister Branch and Chandler enjoyed the activities also.  Chandi, Dan and Steven are on the left.  The kids and moms had lots of fun. So did we!

Getting things set up and games ready to play!!!

Over looking the falls at Burrville. Jessica, Dan & Alexis

Pictures taken of Bolt Castle in Dec. 2015 from Bishops home.

The Bishop called this the "The Star of David over the Castle"  What an amazing picture.

Our apartment garage.  We have Loved having a garage! Two days after Broadbents left it started to snow.

This is how it is starting to look now.

Well that's about it for now we love you all.