Friday, January 30, 2015

Last Day in SLC

Tomorrow we head to Logan, UT to attend the baptism of our granddaughter AnLi before heading to our mission. We were able to go to the top of the church office building and Temple Square.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Life at the MTC

"WE had a wonderful week. So many good new friends. We have felt lots of spiritual hugs. Love ya lots. "
"Just finished a fireside and then saw Meet the Mormons movie. Both were wonderful We are so appy to be here. Love you."(Jan. 25th)

Jan. 26th- a picture of our district:

Jan. 27th we sent a pictue that we love:

Monday, January 19, 2015

Entering the MTC

We entered the MTC on Jan. 19th which is also Chandi's birthday. We are truly blessed to be here.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Farewell Talks

We gave our farwell talks on January 11, 2015 in our homeward, Perry. Nine of our thirteen children were able to be present along with brothers, sisters, daddy and close friends. We have been truly blessed and will continue to be as we go and serve.

After sacrament meeting we had a potato bar luncheon at the senior citizen center in Ririe where family and close family members could gather.

After the luncheon we were set apart at the stake center by President Foster.