Tuesday, February 10, 2015

First Sunday in our Ward and First District Meeting

Just got home (from church). About 200 regular attendance 100 in primary. Lots of men gone for training. Fourth Bishop in 4 years. Deployements and one wife dying caused constant changes. Current Bishop leaves this summer. (Feb. 8th)

Just got out of district meeting. Six Elders and four Sisters. One set of Elders are in a branch of about 17 that attended.

Our Apartment is Blessed With White Fluff

Here is what we saw when we got to our apartment. We know you all want to come and help us whenever we need to be dug out :) Now to unpack...

Our Travels to NY

We have been traveling since Saturday Jan 31st and have finally made our destination today on February 5th. Here are some of our pictures from the trip.