Saturday, August 8, 2015

Bree and Jamies visit

Aug 8th -  We continue to love being here.  Last week Bree and Jamie visited for a few days.  It was so much fun to have them here.  Jamie and I pretty much won most of the games, (something Bree and Mom will try to dispute).  Here a few pictures of the time with them. It was a beautiful day but a bit windy.  We had lunch at the Bishop's house afterward.
Walking around the grounds at Bolt Castle

Children's playhouse in background

Bolt Castle in the Background

Doorway at the children's playhouse

Anchor at Clayton NY

Flower library in Watertown.

Trying to choose which mission car we want. 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Aug 1 Update

We are just starting a new class for deployed soldiers families.  In the process we have met some wonderful people.  One sister is an instructor for "Beach Body" with Shaun T.  She teaches the Spanish version.  We also met Tyler Kurth and his wife.  You can look his story up on a Google search.  It has been a long painful struggle for them.

We attended a baptism this morning. It was a really good meeting with just a special spirit present.

Today we are going to Syracuse to pick up Bree and Jamie.  Excited for a few great day together.

Anyway we love our family and we are doing very well.  Our Father is Heaven has been kind to us allowing us to have many sweet opportunities.  Thanks for your prayers.