Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Cami and boys visit to Palmyra

We have had a great time with  Cami, Zach and Brayden who came for a visit and we had a wonderful time with them in Palmyra, at the Sacred Grove, at the Temple and at the Pageant.  
Cami, Zach, and Brayden at Hill Cumorah  This is the monument on top of the Hill.  What a wonderful place to be with family.

Grandpa being a grandpa and talking about what happened at the Hill Cumorah.  The Hill is a lot bigger than I had  imagined that it would be.  What a special place to visit.  Every thing is kept so beautiful.  It is fun to see the flowers and foliage  instead of snow.

 It was such a neat thing to have Cami and the boys with us at the Sacred Grove.  We missed Josh being with us but Cami said they will be back!   yeah

Family walking away from Sacred Grove and to the Smith Home that Alvin built.

Zack and Brayden in back of the Smith Cabin.

This is the garden right out back of the Smith log cabin.

This is Cami and Zack in front of the group and Brayden and Dad walking behind in the Sacred Grove.

This is the view of the seating and performance stage from on top of the Hill.  This over looking the set up for the pageant around  9,000 chairs are set up.

Hill Cumorah Pageant way before it started.  People come from all over to see it.   It actually starts at dark about 9:15.  There is a particular part that is so telling when a little child runs to the Savior.  It is a real tender moment in the performance. 

There are about 850 people involved in the pageant.  They put this wonderful pageant on with only one week of rehearsal.  It is amazing and we wish you all could see it.  Families came from all over to be in it and to see it.

Barbecue on the street in Palmyra just a block away from the building where they published the Book of Mormon.

AWESOME picture by the Palmyra Temple.

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