Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Senior Outing for July

Once a month we get together with other senior couples in the North Country area.  There are 5 couples in Branches to our North.  They are in a different zone than us but are kind enough to invite us since we are the only couple in our Zone.  The Church is crying out for more couples as the numbers of couples have really dropped and the need has really  grown.  Four of them go home this Fall and one in March.  This month we went to Ausable Chasm and the Underground Railroad Museum.  Some pictures are show here.  It took us about three and half hours to get there.  Next month we will be hosting and taking them to Bolt Castle.
The entry way to the chasm.

The chasm--pretty cool and way deep.

It is a long way down.  

Elephants Head

Good looking couple.

Us with Sister Miskin from Rigby

Mom on the mile long hiking trail
Entrance point for rafts.

Rafters heading downstream

Lowering rafts to the canyon bottom.

This is one of the "Underground Railroad" museums.  It was quite interesting how much of that went on in our area.  Slaves were trying to get to Canada as quickly as possible and there were many awesome people who risked their lives to help them.  

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